Friday, March 4, 2011

The Fellowship of the Ring

I'm back again...  

         As most of you don't know, I have been suffering from a rather annoying head-cold or sinus infection, I don't really know what. Anyway, this illness has really screwed up my weekly routine and has put me on the sidelines for the majority of the week. In order for me to get any form of sleep I have been taking Vick's NyQuil before bed. The other night I had taken my NyQuil and even had some Vick's Vapor Rub that I used in an attempt to breathe better. I still needed to read more of my book so I picked it up just before I went to bed. I manged to finish the chapter, but I ended up falling asleep while reading into the next chapter. The dream that followed was the most unusual dream I have had thus far. (and I can have some pretty weird dreams.) It was strange because it was of The Fellowship...Here is what I recall of my very strange Tolkien Dream. (Enjoy!)

         I literally woke up in Middle Earth, I had apparently been sleeping and when I woke up I was on the ground in a bedroll. My companion in my dream was talking to me. When I sat up I was amongst some of my closest friends. According to my notes that I wrote on the dream, it was me, my friend "Nic" and a few other random "friends" we seemed to be a strange mixture of Elf/Human half-breed. I say this because we had the ears of elves, but we were more cynical than most of the elves in the LOTR series and we had more attitude.

Anyway, we were on our own journey, what it was I don't know...However, we ended up crossing paths with the Fellowship who were on their journey to Mordor before everything happened and Frodo and Sam go off on their own. The funny thing about this dream was another additional character who had hobbit-like qualities, but mostly threatened to shank people with his sword named "Pakistani sting." This is funny because he usually did it regardless of what the person did to this man and every time he would stab you he would make a sound similar to the knights who say "Ni" only he would drag out the sound a little more than them.  

        The fun part comes when my friend "Nic" and I join the Fellowship and travel with them towards Mordor. At one point Frodo got on "Nic's" nerves so she "muted" him and basically sealed his mouth with magic so he couldn't whine about his troubles anymore. It was hilarious because she told him, "when you stop acting all whiny and douchey to the rest of us, then I'll give you your voice back!" I still laugh every time I think about it. He stopped eventually, but I think it was Legolas who convinced her to give him back his voice. (btw, Nic, Legolas ended up being totally in love with you! lol! I apparently knew or was betrothed to one of Elrond's sons?! which is funny because I honestly didn't know his character had sons! lol! so weird!) (and now I've embarrassed myself! haha!) anyway, it's too late now! I've got to keep going!   

          Anyway, my dream (which seems to have lasted forever,) ended with us all in a battle against Orcs. In I'm assuming my version of Moria. Our half-hobbit friend was really good at shanking the orcs with his Pakistani sting which was the funniest memory of the dream for me. Anyway, I woke up when I had the unfortunate luck to dream that we were being chased down the tunnels by orcs and goblins and we were fighting like lunatics to get away from them. The next thing I knew, just when the fight was really getting good, my alarm clock went off and scared the hell out of me.  

         I hope you enjoyed my twisted Vick's NyQuil version of the adventure. If you are wondering no I didn't ever finish the dream and yes I did know everyone who was in it, but I will keep their names unknown.   Anyway, that was my adventure. I'm sure I will get made fun for a least a week for dreaming something this silly, but I honestly blame the medicine...I can't wait for next week..Book 2 and it is going to be awesome.Until Then.XOXO,Julia

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